
C++ API used for read/write *.npy/*.npz files

Project maintained by pmontalb Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


This library has been forked from this one, for the purpose of using more C++ infrastructure. The original README is here.

Original Functionalities

New functionalities

Sample Usage

    // Serialize (using fwrite, i.e. no memory mapping)
    std::vector<double> vec(128, 0.01);
    npypp::Save("arr1.npy", vec, { 4, 4, 8 }, "w");

    // Deserialize mapping file into memory
    const bool useMemoryMapping = true;
    auto loadedData = npypp::LoadFull<double>("arr1.npy", useMemoryMapping);

    assert(loadedData.shape.size() == 3);
    assert(loadedData.shape[0] == 4);
    assert(loadedData.shape[1] == 4);
    assert(loadedData.shape[2] == 8);
    assert( == TotalSize);

    for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
      assert(vec[i] ==[i]);
    // Compressed files
    npypp::SaveCompressed("arr1.npz", vec, { 4, 4, 8 }, "w");
    auto loadedCompressedData = npypp::LoadCompressedFull<double>("arr1.npz", "arr1");
    assert(loadedData.shape.size() == 3);
    assert(loadedData.shape[0] == 4);
    assert(loadedData.shape[1] == 4);
    assert(loadedData.shape[2] == 8);
    assert( == TotalSize);

    for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
      assert(vec[i] ==[i]);

Sample Usage with Read/Write Memory Mapping

    std::vector<size_t> shape = { 4, 4, 8 };
    std::vector<double> vec(128, 0.01);
    // need to specify the file size beforehand
    const size_t nElements = std::accumulate(shape.begin(), shape.end(), 1, std::multiplies<size_t>());
    const auto npyHeader = npypp::detail::GetNpyHeader<double>(shape);
    const size_t fileSizeBytes = npyHeader.size() + nElements * sizeof(double);
    // open the file with read/write permissions
    mm::MemoryMappedFile<mm::CacheHint::SequentialScan, mm::MapMode::ReadAndWrite> mmf("arr1.npy", fileSizeBytes);
    npypp::Save(mmf, vec, shape);

    // rewind the mapped view pointer to its original status

    // load file from shared memory
    const std::complex<double>* loadedData = nullptr;
    npypp::Load<std::complex<double>>(loadedData, mmf);

    for (int i = 0; i < TotalSize; i++)
        assert(vec[i] == loadedData[i]);